Wednesday, May 21, 2008

DIY, The mini workshop

Sometimes it's hard to commit to set time line. Family, job, home. I completely understand. So, I am offering the online workshop as a diy mini program. It includes the same 8 lessons and you can post the assignments online for critiquing and feedback. The difference being:

1. No time line
2. Critiquing from past and present workshop members, instead of from me.
3. Lessons are on a protected forum on In Focus discussion board instead of the Simply Studio Online Workshop board.
4. No need to fill out an application to register. If you feel you have the right equipment and understand how to use it, just pay for the lessons and start when you are ready.

This program is $95. You can click on the paypal button and put diy in the subject or memo when you pay. You'll have access within 24 hours of paying and registering on the discussion board.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

August workshop

I am now taking applications for the August workshop. As long you meet all the requirements on the applications you will receive an invoice for payment. Your payment will lock you into the next workshop which will start August 9th. The workshop is only $175, includes 6 lessons on basic studio poses, light forms, ratios, feathering your light, hi-key, hairlight and more.
And 3 bonus lessons on using a speedlight and composition using rules of thirds.
Critiques are given on the main lessons and any bonus lesson you choose to do.
You will also be given access to a private forum on In Focus just for past and current workshop students.

Friday, May 2, 2008

And you can quote me...

Carrie is an amazing photographer. When she signed up for lighting lesson, she already had a good grasp of what she was doing. It just need tweaked. I'm thrilled she was one of my students and wish her the best in her business. Watch for her as my featured photographer this month.

The money I spent on your lessons was hands down the best money I ever put into my photography. I look at it as, I could get the same results from my D70 as I can from my D300, it isn't the is knowing how to use it. I had the same lights I had before your lessons, but now they magically light the way they are supposed to. I can not express to you how much I have taken from this experience. Photoshop, who needs that once you know how to use your lights and your camera well!!! You have saved me hours and hours and hours of work, by showing me how to get through this. I have read most of this stuff on photography before, I have tons of books....but had no one to look at what I was doing to tell me what I was getting and where I was going wrong. Oh and having access to the business side, fantastic!!! Having a group of peers that there is no competition with, just others who truly want to help is amazing. These lesson were invaluable, your critique was gentle and
encouraging! Carrie B.